Happy Dance
This is me...doing the "Happy Dance"! There are some sweet Bloggers out there in Blog Land that have posted to me, with some of the nicest comments. Thank you to all. There is one Blogger in particular, who has encouraged me and keeps encouraging me and she is Dawn of the-feathered-nest. I found Dawn's store Blog plumtree antiques here in Blog Land and contacted her. Welllll, she is the sweetest, kindest person and I feel like I have known her all my life! You have just got to go check her out and find out for yourself how creative and interesting she is.
Oh Cindy, you sweetie!! Thank you so much for your kind words ~ you are a such a sweet soul and always have the nicest things to say! I love this blogging you know. There are wonderful ladies here and such inspiration...Oh, and about your links ~ just highlight the word you want to have the link joined to, then go up the the little link button when you are composing and click it, then in the space "http:" paste in the web address url thingie. I usually have another window open so I can go up to the web browser area up at the top of the screen, highlight the address and then paste it in the link window. Remember, highlight what you want to copy, press control C at the same time and it will be copied. Then to paste press control V when your cursor is in the little open box. I hope this helps some!! Thank you again Cindy and call me if you want any prices on the ironstone. They are mostly small pieces, soap dish, small oval platter etc. xxoo, Dawn
I'm out here....
I was surfing around blogs and bloglinks today when I came across your little corner of the web :-)
So here's a litle wink from Norway!
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