Tuesday, July 31, 2007

First Scrapbook Album

This is my first attempt at making a scrapbook. I had so much fun doing this and can't wait to create another one. This album, I just sent to my sister and is mostly about her life. The picture on the front, is our parents wedding day. They just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Just a little side note...the one thing that will forever stick in my mind about my parents is they never argued in front of us. They went to their room and had their talks in private. My siblings and I would stand outside their door and try to listen to what they were saying...till my dad would open the door and make us get away:)

This last picture, I enjoyed making alot! The picture is of my mother waiting to go to her high school prom. I put one of the bingo markers on it, B5. The B5 represents...B for her last name now and 5 is for the 5 children she has. I also put a crown on her head. When my sister received her album, she took it to work with her to show it off. Well, some of her co-workers had the nerve to say, that I have way too much free time on my hands! I don't think so, do you? I'm just being creative!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Won 100th Post

I WON!! I'm so excited...I won Dawn of The-Feathered-Nest 100th Post giveaway. I love everything she sent. Dawn is such a sweet, giving person. I hope that someday I get to meet her in person. Now...what am I going to create with all of my new treasures? You will just have to stay in touch to find out.

I wanted to share these pictures of our backyard with you. The first one is an old wash tub, which I purchased several years ago. I didn't know what I was going to do with it at the time and finally I decided to put some flowers in it and put it in the backyard. This area where the wash tub is, definately needs some attention. I started putting the old plates around it, and ran out of plates. I'm going to have to start looking around at flea markets and yard sales for more plates. I've also got to get busy and do some weeding.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Edgar A. Guest & Collections

This is the neatest framed picture/poem by Edgar A. Guest. The poem is called, "Somebody Cares". The picture is of a Southern Belle and her Beau....maybe Scarlett and Rhett, although I think Mr. Guest was a little before Scarlett and Rhetts time. Anyway...I have this picture up on ebay right now. I thought long and hard about keeping it, but I'm trying to clean things out a bit. I'm going to be adding these little guys to ebay, tonight. They were designed by Lori Mitchell and put out by Midwest. Does anyone else besides me have an over-abundance of collections?? The thing that I am really good at collecting though is...DUST. Where does this stuff come from? I can dust and 1 hour later, the dust bunnies have taken over. Do I hear an "Amen"? Dusting could be a full-time job. Hmmm...I wonder if there is a good paying job for dusting somewhere?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Christmas in July

I want to do a little Christmas in July, today. It's going to be Christmas again before we know it. O.K...sorry, guess that isn't what you wanted to hear. Anyway....My brother carves and I wanted to share some things he has done and is working on at the moment. Here is a Santa he carved and I did the painting. Santa is holding a staff with a blue bird on it. Doesn't Santa have the sweetest face? He also has a bag full of toys over his shoulder.

Here are more Santas that brother carved waiting to be painted. My sister-in-law wants to learn to paint, so I'm going to teach her by painting on these little guys. I will post a picture when we get them painted. Below are two pictures of an Eagle that brother is working at the moment for a lodge here in Ga. He took a thick piece of Bass wood and is carving this eagle out of it. He was working on the talons when we were out there this afternoon. They look pretty wicked. It's amazing to me how he can take just a plain piece of wood and create something so beautiful out of it. This has gotten me to thinking about how our "Master" creates us and breathes life into us.

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