Tuesday, July 31, 2007

First Scrapbook Album

This is my first attempt at making a scrapbook. I had so much fun doing this and can't wait to create another one. This album, I just sent to my sister and is mostly about her life. The picture on the front, is our parents wedding day. They just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Just a little side note...the one thing that will forever stick in my mind about my parents is they never argued in front of us. They went to their room and had their talks in private. My siblings and I would stand outside their door and try to listen to what they were saying...till my dad would open the door and make us get away:)

This last picture, I enjoyed making alot! The picture is of my mother waiting to go to her high school prom. I put one of the bingo markers on it, B5. The B5 represents...B for her last name now and 5 is for the 5 children she has. I also put a crown on her head. When my sister received her album, she took it to work with her to show it off. Well, some of her co-workers had the nerve to say, that I have way too much free time on my hands! I don't think so, do you? I'm just being creative!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Won 100th Post

I WON!! I'm so excited...I won Dawn of The-Feathered-Nest 100th Post giveaway. I love everything she sent. Dawn is such a sweet, giving person. I hope that someday I get to meet her in person. Now...what am I going to create with all of my new treasures? You will just have to stay in touch to find out.

I wanted to share these pictures of our backyard with you. The first one is an old wash tub, which I purchased several years ago. I didn't know what I was going to do with it at the time and finally I decided to put some flowers in it and put it in the backyard. This area where the wash tub is, definately needs some attention. I started putting the old plates around it, and ran out of plates. I'm going to have to start looking around at flea markets and yard sales for more plates. I've also got to get busy and do some weeding.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Edgar A. Guest & Collections

This is the neatest framed picture/poem by Edgar A. Guest. The poem is called, "Somebody Cares". The picture is of a Southern Belle and her Beau....maybe Scarlett and Rhett, although I think Mr. Guest was a little before Scarlett and Rhetts time. Anyway...I have this picture up on ebay right now. I thought long and hard about keeping it, but I'm trying to clean things out a bit. I'm going to be adding these little guys to ebay, tonight. They were designed by Lori Mitchell and put out by Midwest. Does anyone else besides me have an over-abundance of collections?? The thing that I am really good at collecting though is...DUST. Where does this stuff come from? I can dust and 1 hour later, the dust bunnies have taken over. Do I hear an "Amen"? Dusting could be a full-time job. Hmmm...I wonder if there is a good paying job for dusting somewhere?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Christmas in July

I want to do a little Christmas in July, today. It's going to be Christmas again before we know it. O.K...sorry, guess that isn't what you wanted to hear. Anyway....My brother carves and I wanted to share some things he has done and is working on at the moment. Here is a Santa he carved and I did the painting. Santa is holding a staff with a blue bird on it. Doesn't Santa have the sweetest face? He also has a bag full of toys over his shoulder.

Here are more Santas that brother carved waiting to be painted. My sister-in-law wants to learn to paint, so I'm going to teach her by painting on these little guys. I will post a picture when we get them painted. Below are two pictures of an Eagle that brother is working at the moment for a lodge here in Ga. He took a thick piece of Bass wood and is carving this eagle out of it. He was working on the talons when we were out there this afternoon. They look pretty wicked. It's amazing to me how he can take just a plain piece of wood and create something so beautiful out of it. This has gotten me to thinking about how our "Master" creates us and breathes life into us.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Romantic Country Magazine and Tea Pot Set

I just received my lastest issue of "Romantic Country". There are some really pretty homes in there, but the thing that caught my attention is a page called,"Sweet & Simple Crafts"....Mosaic Magic by Mary Garrett .

Mary created the mosaic on this vintage tea set, which I have listed on ebay right now. She does beautiful work.

I also have a mosaic birdhouse that I created and have listed on ebay . Mosaics is a lot of fun, but hard work. I have created a couple of other small things that I will be putting on ebay, but I think I will leave the mosaic up to Mary. She does beautiful work! Check out her web site when you get a chance.

Friday, June 22, 2007

No Coke...No Sweet Tea...YIKES!!

I've been having a hard time the last few days, as I have diabetes and can't have anymore Cokes or Sweet Tea. We here in the South love our "Sweet Tea" and I am addicted to it. The same with Coke. My precious little husband says, "you can drink unsweet tea".......has he fallen and hit his head?? Someone has got to enlighten this man....you don't tell a sweet tea drinker to start drinking unsweet tea!!! Lord knows the Dr. tried telling me and she didn't get very far! I think I can give up my Cokes, but I definately need prayer for the "Sweet Tea".

Happy Dance

This is me...doing the "Happy Dance"! There are some sweet Bloggers out there in Blog Land that have posted to me, with some of the nicest comments. Thank you to all. There is one Blogger in particular, who has encouraged me and keeps encouraging me and she is Dawn of the-feathered-nest. I found Dawn's store Blog plumtree antiques here in Blog Land and contacted her. Welllll, she is the sweetest, kindest person and I feel like I have known her all my life! You have just got to go check her out and find out for yourself how creative and interesting she is.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Is Anyone Out There??

I was just wondering how long it takes for other Bloggers to find your Blog space?? Is anyone reading what I post? If you are out there...even just lurking...please let me know by posting a little note here. I haven't been doing this very long, but find it interesting, especially looking at other Blogs.

Busy Weekend

Our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren came in Thursday night from Fl. and stayed till Sunday afternoon. We had such a good time with the grandbabies! The baby is going to be 6 months on Thursday and his first tooth just broke through on the bottom. He is such a sweet, happy little guy and laid back like his mommy. The little girl is 5 and definately a girly, girl. She is into all things Princess. Oh..my...what a little actress she is!! She got up on the front of our fireplace and put on little plays for us. We were sad to see them go home.

Chocolat Fairy

I received this cute, cute fairy today in the mail from Mica of http://garboodles.typepad.com as a gift. She is a wonderful artist. I will cherish it always, Mica! Thanks so much!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Very Old New Testament Bible

I'm sorry these pictures aren't clearer. My dad (who is 82), just gave me his dad's New Testament Bible. It is a little over 120 years old. It is dated 1886. Inside is a clipping from a revival that took place in 1907. I'm so excited to receive this little bible, but the sad thing is...my children will not be as excited or appreciate it, like I do.

Again I'm sorry that this picture isn't clearer. This is a small card with my grandfather's name (John Baker) in his own handwriting. It is over 100 yrs. old. Somehow it got some water on it and smeared the ink a bit. It is such beautiful handwriting. They had pretty penmanship back then.

Friday, June 1, 2007


I've been tagged by Theresa of http://gardenantqs.blogspot.com/. We are to pick up a book closest to us and share what is on page 28. The book that is closest to me is Mary Engelbreit's, "Home Sweet Home". This book stays damp from drool all over it!
This is what is on page 28...

It says...A home of her own Under the shade of two century old oak trees, Mikayla's playhouse offers all the comforts of home. Complete with gardens and a white picket fence and arbor, Mikayla's make-believe maison mirrors Mary's home on a preschool scale. Even the steep-roofed birdhouses hanging nearby echo the home's distinctive style(facing page).

I wish I had the money to totally re-do my whole house, cause I would love to have it look like Mary Engelbreit's home. I just love her taste in decorating.


Thought I would share this picture I found last week while shopping in an antique store, "Oh Deco Where Art Thou". I thought this was just the coolest!! The lady who made this, is from here in Georgia. She took different pieces of Georgia fern fronds and pressed them onto paper. She had also taken Georgia's state flower, pressed it on paper and framed it. She had a booth in this antique store, which was filled with eye candy.

Playing Nursemaid

As you can see, I haven't been blogging for awhile. I have been playing nursemaid to my sweet husband. He started coughing, so he went to the Dr. to get some medicine. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Anyway, long story short...he had blood clots in his lungs and close to his heart. They said he should have died, but God is in control and husband has survived! Praise the Lord! Husband has gone back to work for the first time in awhile, so I am trying to get caught up on some things that I have gotten behind on.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Back Home

We got home Sunday night, after being gone for a week in Florida, babysitting with our 2 precious grandchildren. Got along great with them, but am worn out...LOL! They weren't any trouble, but when you aren't used to taking care of little ones, it takes a toll on the ole body.

I wanted to show this wall in our dining room. I purchased a few old plates from plumtreeantiques awhile back and decided to put them up around this mirror. I taped old pictures in the middle of the plates. I'm going to add a couple more plates on either side on the bottom. Just not sure if I really like this arrangement or not. I will try to add somemore pictures of the dining room and living room in the next few days. We are having out of town company coming in this afternoon.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I'm leaving in the morning to go take care of my 2 grandbabies for about a week. Daughter and her husband are going to Palm Springs, Ca. on a buisness trip. This picture was taken Easter morning before church. Aren't they a couple of Cutie Patooties? I know, I know...I'm a little partial:) Don't know if I will get to post any while I'm gone, but will post when I get back home.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mosaic Birdhouse

This morning I thought I would show you something I made. Well, actually my 82 year old dad made the birdhouse and I put the mosaic on it. It is the third piece I have done with mosaics. My first two pieces were the top of a wooden box and a silver creamer. Mosaic is alot of fun, but very time consuming and messy:) I have another birdhouse to cover, but don't know when I will get that done.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Prizes for Fireplace Makeover Contest

Here are the prizes that I will be giving away for my Fireplace Makeover Contest. The prizes include a handcrafted paper bag album, a vintage porcelain roses/bowl arrangement and a bluebird necklace hancrafted by my friend Donna at laffinpunkinsgardenspot. O.K....let's start posting those ideas!

Fireplace Makeover Contest

As you can see I started a blog and then haven't done anymore postings. So I decided today would be the day that I would post.

I am going to have a decorating contest. I have a fireplace that I don't know what to do with it. If you have any ideas on how to change the look of the fireplace or what to do with it, post them here on my blog. On May 15th, I will award prizes to the person's idea that I will be going with. So...look at the picture, put on your thinking caps and lets get to work!! I am going to also post pictures of the prizes I will be giving away...so stay tuned!

Oh...I have got to tell you about some really Sweet girls (Dawn and Cindy) that I have found here in Bog Land. They own the Plum Tree Antiques and Gifts and their blog is plumtreeantiques. They are a down fall for me...I have been purchasing some wonderful things from them and they are very helpful....a little too helpful according to my husband...LOL! I hope you will check them out and tell them "Wisteriagirl" sent you!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

First Attempt

This is my first attempt at doing a blog. I have just recently found some blogs, one in particular.....laffinpunkin, who has been helping me. She is a precious person!! I hope to have some interesting things to share in the future about the things that are going on in my life or what I am creating at the moment. I'm getting into scrapbooking, already paint and do other crafts. I hope you will check back from time to time and check out what I'm doing.

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