Monday, June 4, 2007

Very Old New Testament Bible

I'm sorry these pictures aren't clearer. My dad (who is 82), just gave me his dad's New Testament Bible. It is a little over 120 years old. It is dated 1886. Inside is a clipping from a revival that took place in 1907. I'm so excited to receive this little bible, but the sad thing children will not be as excited or appreciate it, like I do.

Again I'm sorry that this picture isn't clearer. This is a small card with my grandfather's name (John Baker) in his own handwriting. It is over 100 yrs. old. Somehow it got some water on it and smeared the ink a bit. It is such beautiful handwriting. They had pretty penmanship back then.


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Wow, what a wonderful treasure to have. I love old bibles and really any kind of religious artifacts.

wisteriagirl said...

I was very surprised that my Dad gave me this little Bible, as there are 5 of us.

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Cindy, your Bible is wonderful! What an honor ~ I know you will cherish it. Don't worry, maybe one day as your children get older they will begin to appreciate these family treasures. Thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment on my blog! ~ xxoo, Dawn :)

Unknown said...

I told my hubby about your bible. we collect all sorts of antique bibles in different translations...also for his personal library for study..since he is going to Seminary to be a Pastor!!! What a wonderful treasure.

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