Friday, June 22, 2007

No Coke...No Sweet Tea...YIKES!!

I've been having a hard time the last few days, as I have diabetes and can't have anymore Cokes or Sweet Tea. We here in the South love our "Sweet Tea" and I am addicted to it. The same with Coke. My precious little husband says, "you can drink unsweet tea".......has he fallen and hit his head?? Someone has got to enlighten this don't tell a sweet tea drinker to start drinking unsweet tea!!! Lord knows the Dr. tried telling me and she didn't get very far! I think I can give up my Cokes, but I definately need prayer for the "Sweet Tea".


FrenchGardenHouse said...

okay, yikes...I'll be praying! I have swictched to iced tea sweetened with Splenda, will that work for you?

Thanks for visiting me today!


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I don't know much about diabetes, but I drink my iced tea with artificial sweetener, and it really is still good! Perhaps you can try that, or is that allowed?

The French Nest said...

I've been reading a lot of blogs featuring favourite 'Southern Thangs', and sweet tea made the list on all of them! Would honey in your iced tea work?


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Thank you for stopping by again to see me. You asked about my kitchen window treatment, so I wanted to answer. My mom made that WT for me about 5 years ago & I really still love it so much. I picked out all the fabrics & we copied a WT that I had seen up in a fabric store. She did a great job & I'm so blessed to have her sewing for me all these years.

Southern Hospitality

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Oh, I totally understand; there's nothing that replaces the sweet tea!! You know there will be sweet tea in Heaven, right? So, we'll pray that somehow God will work a miracle because even he knows how hard that would be to give up!! All kidding aside, I'll pray for you!

Anonymous said...

I can leave a comment now! ;-)
Oh yes, tea MUST be sweet! And it is really delicious with LIME instead of lemon! I'm sorry that you are having to give up your sweet drinks!

maggiegracecreates said...

Trust me - I am a coca cola purist, but the coke zero is and incredible substitute. Doesn't have that diet drink after taste. anid I have discovered the Crystal Light Peach Ice tea is an appropriate sub for ice tea as well.

best of luck - for AThens ga

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Bless your heart! I feel your pain because we love our sweet tea too.

I just made some flavored tea...I can drink that with a little less sugar. Come visit and I'll make you a glass~

Lana Manis said...

Oh no! No sweet tea? I love mine too but have resorted to using splenda... not the same but at least I have my tea...

I found you through Dawn's blog, The Feathered Nest, and am so glad I did!


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