Friday, April 13, 2007


I'm leaving in the morning to go take care of my 2 grandbabies for about a week. Daughter and her husband are going to Palm Springs, Ca. on a buisness trip. This picture was taken Easter morning before church. Aren't they a couple of Cutie Patooties? I know, I know...I'm a little partial:) Don't know if I will get to post any while I'm gone, but will post when I get back home.


The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Cindy, they both are so precious! I hope you guys have a wonderful time together...I'll look forward to hearing from you when you return, too ~ Take care, Dawn :)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Southerngirl...thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love meeting new people & yes, I'm a GA girl at heart. Just moved to b'ham a little over a year ago, but I'm really enjoying it over here too. I'm close enough to get back home fast. Your grandbabies are precious!

Please come visit me anytime!

Southern Hospitality

Bluebird Lane said...

Cindy! Bring me one, or both....:)
They are so darling, you lucky thing you!
Talk to you when you get back!!!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Oh my gosh, your grandchildren are cuties!!! My mother says the same thing when she watches my children... she loves to watch them, and they are well behaved when she does, but boy does she become worn out by the end of the visit! heehee

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